InCodeXbyCharles Harring10 Computer Vision IdeasComputer Vision is a subset of Machine Learning. Many times new users ask how they can get started with computer vision. Do they take a…Nov 24, 20211Nov 24, 20211
InTDS ArchivebyJustin GüseFace Detection using MTCNN — a guide for face extraction with a focus on speedIn this post I will show how to use MTCNN to extract faces and features from pictures or videos, and finally how to increase the speed x100Apr 27, 20202Apr 27, 20202
InTDS ArchivebyDario RadečićTransfer Learning with PyTorchAnd why you shouldn't write CNN architectures from scratch.Jun 11, 20201Jun 11, 20201
InGeek CulturebyNirmani warakaullaFace Detection in 2 Minutes using OpenCV & Python — Google colabIn this quick post, I wanted to share a very popular and easy way of detecting faces using Haar cascades in OpenCV and PythonJul 25, 20211Jul 25, 20211